Sunday, 1 May 2016

May 16 Parish News

The staff and pupils enjoyed a well-earned two week break during April as the Easter Break (which didn’t coincide with Easter this year!) marked an end to the Spring Term.

The school had a very intensive end to the Spring Term as we finally received our long anticipated visit from Ofsted.

I am now absolutely delighted to be able to confirm that Great Gaddesden CoE VA School is a GOOD school overall, and an OUTSTANDING school in terms of Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare.

Although we recognise that a school is so much more than an Ofsted report, we are delighted that the hard work and dedication of Staff and Pupils has been recognised.

We are also especially grateful to our wonderful Head Teacher Mrs Comer who has helped to drive the school forward and made vast improvements on our position before her arrival.

The full report is now available on the Ofsted Website but below are some highlights from the report:

The head teacher has been uncompromising in her drive to improve the school since the last inspection. She has gained the confidence of her staff, who fully support the drive for improvement. As a result, all areas of the school’s work have improved since the last inspection.

Senior leaders and governors have created a fully inclusive school where all pupils are made to feel secure, valued and supported to achieve their best. As a result, pupils thrive in the school and gain in self-confidence. Pupils leaving at the end of Year 6 are well prepared for the transfer to a large secondary school.

Children in the early years provision make good progress because teachers plan interesting and challenging activities.

The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding. The pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is at the heart of the school’s work. Each child is valued for their individuality by all staff and they encourage all pupils to celebrate their achievements and persevere where they encounter difficulties. As a result, pupils are happy, confident and successful learners.

Parents agree that teaching is good and that they receive valuable information about their child’s progress.

We are very excited about the future of our school, and are committed to making Great Gaddesden School even more inspirational for everyone involved with the school.

You may have noticed our Pupils taking part in the “Clean for the Queen” campaign at the end of March. Along with other members of the local community children from Nursery to Year six spent the first part of the school day litter picking to help clear up the village. The children were very diligent in thinking about their own safety and considering what litter was suitable to be picked up They enjoyed a lovely morning outdoors and hopefully the local area looks better for it.

Years Five and Six have been learning about the Egyptians and enjoyed an Egyptian Workshop last month. This including dressing up to support their learning, learning about measuring the Egyptian way, dancing to Egyptian music and some hands on experience of mummification!

Years Three and Four spent their Design and Technology Lessons designing and concocting their own version of their favourite smoothie. Using the recently purchased new school blenders, pupils were able to make their own smoothie, and then evaluated it to decide whether they would do anything differently the next time they made it. The children enjoyed learning about and testing out the different kinds of fruits and vegetables which can be used to make a smoothie.

Years One and Two were focusing on Measurement in their maths lessons last term. On their blog there are lots of fantastic pictures of them measuring capacity, distance, length and temperature. They achieved this by measuring liquids in jugs, the longest distance they could make a toy racing car go, and measuring various places and pieces of equipment in the school.

I will leave it to our Early Years Teacher, Miss Ayres to tell you about a highlight for her class this month.

If you are looking for a school place please feel free to contact us to make an appointment to and view our learning.

We also greatly value volunteers from the local community who can enhance the education of our pupils either on a regular or one-off basis and so please feel free to contact us if you would be interesting in sparing some time to volunteer with us.

From Miss Ayres:

 During the last week of the Spring Term Nursery and Reception enjoyed a very exciting trip to Buckinghamshire Railway Centre! Our fantastic guide, Peter, spent the day showing us around and teaching us all about trains. We learnt a lot! We had a ride on an old steam train and learnt how trains used to work and why they were - and still are - a very important form of transport. We also rode on a miniature train which was lots of fun! All the children and adults had a brilliant day. Well done especially to Holly and Dexter, who won special train driver hats for asking and answering questions really well. Here are some of the things the children said about our trip:

I liked the big train. I want to drive a train when I am big. Josh

My favourite part was the mini-train. I liked learning lots about trains. Luke

I loved riding the steam train. Mylo

I liked seeing all the trains and going on the big train. Leo

My favourite was the big steam train. Rebecca
