There is a Governor's visit book in the school entrance where all visits and meetings are recorded. This allows us to look at how the Governors are contributing to the school, and what we could do differently. At the end of each academic year we spent time looking at how we can be more effective as a Governing Body in the future.
The Full Governing Body has three main responsibilities: setting the strategic direction, acting as a ‘critical friend’ and being accountable to the parents and the community.
The report below shows how individual Governors supported
the school in the AUTUMN TERM 2014 in these three areas:
Strategic Role :
Developing a vision
for the school, and planning so that all pupils can achieve the very best that
they can
Driving and leading the playground improvement project
Carrying out Headteacher Performance Review
Attending Local Authority Herts Improvement
Partner review
Participate in recruitment for Teaching
Meeting with Project Managers on potential
building works in 2016
Attending Headteacher Performance Management
Improving reading area through window coverings
Premises Walk Round (5 Year Maintenance)
‘Critical Friend’
Visiting the school
to monitor progress and evaluate the school’s work; knowing the school well
Accompanying School Council to the Houses of
Accompanying children to Able Maths Days
Accompanying children to Able Writing Day
Attending visit of Mike Penning MP
Organising weekly Knitting Club
Learning walk focusing on inclusion
SEN Meeting with INCCO
Leading weekly Collective Worship in Church
Commissioning and installing a new archway to the
School Garden
Attend whole school Science Day (4 Governors)
Attend FOGGS Fayre
Attend Christmas Carol concerts
Attend Christingle service
The Accountability
of the Governing Body:
Reporting on progress;
accountability to the parents and the wider community
Two meetings of the Full Governing Body
Meetings of the Sub Committees: Finance,
Personnel & Premises; Curriculum & Standards
Attending Parents Evening as observers and to
gain parent views
Writing monthly articles for the Great Gaddesden Parish News
Health & Safety walk & checklist
Carry out induction interviews for two new
Review Asbestos Survey
Planning Enforcement Visit
Meeting with Parish Council re parking and other
site issues
Working Party to agree pay policy for
If you have any questions about the work of the Governing
Body, I can be contacted on
Alison Wilkinson
Chair of Governors