Tuesday, 1 March 2016

March 16 Parish News

This month the children from Year Five and Six have been writing mystery stories. Their task was to write about themselves as a main character and describe an event which happened at school.

As there were so many fantastic pieces of writing, I am leaving the page space free for them. More news from me next month, but for this month sit back, grab a cuppa and enjoy their stories!!

The next day in the evening, Max made his move. He dashed to the main gate and firmly placed his hand on the lock and then vaulted over.  This was the only time to do it.  It was another risk Max was willing to take.  “Just do it,” he muttered to himself as he crept up to the school.  He had seen a smashed window from the day before.
By Max 

When the police arrived they closed the room off to examine the area.  Once they had finished she heard them say, “The murderer was Miss Blueberry but don’t worry we are going to look into this further.”  Chloe thought this can’t be her as she is kind and caring.  Miss Blueberry would never do something like that.  She thought and thought until she decided to tell the police.  Finally she had built up the courage to tell the highly decorated men (the police) eek!  So Chloe explained, “Oh it can’t have been her because she’s too kind and hates no one.”  “I’m sorry there is no one else who could have done it and all the clues lead to Miss Blueberry.”  He sighed.  Then Chloe sat down and sighed in disbelief.  She thought there must be some way to prove that it wasn’t Miss Blueberry….
By Chloe.

You know when people say, “It had a carpet of flies” this was it.  Hundreds of thousands of them coating the floor.  The dark room had no windows but slits in the roof.  In the corner sleeping inside a glass case was, Lyra.  Centred in the middle was a BIG, RED BUTTON.  I bounded towards it.  Could it free Lyra?  I raised my hand.  30cm away Lyra woke up.  20cm away she saw me.  10cm away she started frantically waving at me.  5cm away my spidery senses are starting to tingle.  1cm away I stopped.  All my insides were screaming at me to do it.  I thought for a second. ”Get out of the way!” I instructed Lyra.  I hurtled myself towards the glass case.  BANG! SMASH! Was all I heard before I tumbled to the ground.
By Hattie

Beau came into school early and gave his homework in.  As he came in, he noticed that the school trophies have disappeared.  He went to tell the teachers but he couldn’t find them anywhere so Beau was.  Frank found some footsteps that were small and faint and looked like Beau’s.
By Beau 

Krysta’s class was a small classroom.  The big, white board had drawings from when silly kids had been drawing on it at detention.  The lights flickered because they hadn’t been changed for years.  Her teacher’s name was Miss Cherry.  She was the worst teacher in the whole, entire school.  She had long, blond hair with loads of knots in it.  She was wearing a short skirt with cats on and a sweater that said, “Go to college!”
By Krysta 

Whilst eating his muffin, police man Blueberry questioned, “Miss Williams, what did you do last night?”  Miss Williams said, “Mrs Comer and I were having an argument”.  “Ok Miss Williams, you will have to go to the police station.”  I heard the police car go down the road.
By Grace 

After four days of going in and out of boring tunnels she had finally got to the 5th and final tunnel and she wasn’t alone!  She looked behind her and there she saw a dark shadowy figure it was coming closer and there was nothing Meadow could do.  It had a flashlight!  She saw the face but she couldn’t quite work out who it was.  “Oh!” Meadow sighed in relief.  It was Molly and she was so glad!
By Meadow 

The next morning Cally put on her best clothing Cally suddenly got butterflies in her tummy she was very nervous. As Cally went into school she saw the new girl. Even when Cally was in her best cloths Erin was prettier than her. Then the new girl came over to Cally and said her name was Erin. Cally was so angry she gave Erin the silent treatment.
By Cally 

Friday, 3:14pm. A dead body was found at Great Gaddesden School ! Identified to be a boy. The teachers called the police  immediately but when they got back, the body was no longer there.
By Ben 

Somehow my size six feet tip toed across the library carpet without a creek or crack. It took a while to find the book from section M, however once I did the book shelves opened. Suddenly footsteps tapped down the stairs. I ran so fast it was as if I qualified for the Olympics.
By Corey 

When they got to the library, Meadow was desperate for a drink so she rushed up stairs to go and get one. Whilst Meadow was upstairs Grace saw a book hanging out from the book shelf and pushed it in… Then Meadow heard a scream and rushed down stairs like a heard of elephants.
By Sienna 

At 2:30pm the house cups were handed out at Great Gaddesden School for the best house leader. Harry was jealous because in his opinion, his team were better, but they didn’t win. Later that day, Harry bumped into the person who won, Grace, Harry’s arch enemy. Harry decided to speak up, “I should of won!” Seeing the trophy in her hand, Harry reached for the trophy. Grace quickly hit Harry on the temple and he was dead in seconds. She ran through the door to the library and out of the window.
By Harry 

I was walking down the ominous corridor towards the library when precipitately CRASH! AAAGH! I dropped my books and rapidly sped off down the hall. Inside Mr Bennett, the librarian, lying in a pool of rubicund blood, Kate was there too endeavouring to keep him with us. It turned out the book case had fallen on him and crushed his rib cage, Kate and I were trying to lift it off of him, our hands caked in blood. One of Bennett’s bones had pierced through his blood stained skin, and now was resting on his stomach like a raw, gory steak on a plate. We eventually accomplished the mission of lifting the book case off of him, and he choked “my… cough… my twin… still l…l…lives, cough”. And then this town’s population went down by one.
By Bradley 

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